Meet the Team

Sheldon Lapointe


Sheldon sat on the driver seat of a motorcycle for the first time ever in 2017 dropping knee on city corners within the first week of riding. Two months later he got hit by a taxi causing his riding to come to an end.

Fast forward to summer of 2018 when sheldon bought himself a Yamaha R6 and was instantly back on the city loops and that is when he met Sean. Sean invited him out to a track day. With only 3 months of experience riding. Sheldon took his r6 to castrol for track days and instantly got hooked. But after constantly being scolded by Taylor Racing for sitting on an R6 they let him try their Ducati 848 and Sheldon fell in love bringing him to buy a Ducait 748 of his own at the end of the season.

Fast forward again to 2019 and less than a year of riding experience Sheldon signed up for Race school riding under the name of Taylor Racing. Sheldon's novice races turned out to be quite the challenge seeing as his 748 was constantly breaking down (as most Ducatis do). So Ryan Taylor decided to let Sheldon ride a Ducati Pani 1199. With so little experience and such a powerful bike Sheldon was definitely intimidated. But once out of novice Sheldon was able to find the confidence that he needed and by the end of the season he was constantly beating his own personal best lap times and ended with a personal best lap time that most (including himself) was possible for someone with such little riding experience under his belt.

Although Sheldon will be back on his Ducati 748 for 2020 we are excited as to what he will be able to do in Middleweight Twins and Formula 112.
